

Oi pessoal entao cá vai gostava que me ajudassem se fosse possivel dado k nao percebo nada de sbox
tenho uma DM800HD PVR com imagem da newnigma stable mais o emulador oscam+cccam 2.13,com um card sct 10chanels viacess
Eu tenho um problema com este card k estou-me a passar já fis de tudo e nada é que o oscam com este card ao fim de umas horas pára eeeeeeeee disseram-me para por sbox +cccam2.1.3 que á partida resolvia o problema,so k já fis experiencias com sbox e nada nao da bonecos jaaaaaaaaaaa consegui a ler o card sct mas depois mudo de canal da som mas ja nao da imagem entao alguem me ajuda a configurar isto??vou por aqui a minha confusao
no oscam config para configurar o meu car tenho assim

logfile = /dev/null
nice = -1
preferlocalcards = 1
lb_mode = 1

hideclient_to = 15
appendchaninfo = 0

port = 15000@0500:043800
key = 0102030405060708091011121314

port = 10000
suppresscmd08 = 1

httpport = 83
httpuser = root
httppwd = root
httprefresh = 5
httpallowed =

Agora no sbox isto é donde??
Isto aqui é o config do SBOX

server_only=0 # 0=mixed mode 1=only server
log=0 # 1=no log 1=log to /tmp/sbox.log //ALWAYS USE 0//
logudp= # server ip:server port
userspath=/var/bin/users.sbox # users list
channelinfo=/var/bin/sbox.channelinfo # channel info
webinterface=1 # 1=web interface on 0=web interface off
webadmin=admin:edk # user:pass for webinterface
webport=8181 # web interface port
radegast=0:16050 # 0=radegast server off – 1=radegast server on : radegast server port
use_nagra=0 # 1=use as nagra card 0=use as irdeto card (only for nagra over irdeto cards)
prio=1800:0000;0100:1111:2222 # prio caid for dvbapi, caid1:prov1;caid2:prov2:prov1
cccam=0:18000 # 0=cccam server off – 1=cccam server on : cccam server port
betatunnel=1 # 0=betatunnel support disabled 1=betatunnel support enabled

active=1 # 0=inactive 1=active
sci=/dev/sci0 # lower
ncdserver=0 # 0=newcamd server off 1=newcamd server on
deskey=0102030405060708091011121314 # newcamd deskey
port=15050 # newcamd port
mhz=500 # Mhz for card in this reader, DON’T WORK ON PHOENIX INTERFACE. Example: mhz=357, mhz=368
reader=1 # 0=phoenix, 1=sci (internal reader), 2=smartreader, 3=omnikey pcsc reader
cache=0 # how many ecms can be cached, 0 or less=cache disabled

# How to ADD RSA for TIGER/NCMED cards
# If your card is a ROM TIGER547 Rev124 (for example)
# [TIGER547] <- this is the rom version from your card
# rsa=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx
# ONLY THIS, for config bloquer, portlist, etc, look at the examples above!

#Nagra2/3 Example
[CCCCCCCC] # nagra2 camid (4 bytes)
rsa= # rsa "n" from this card (like newcs)
gppkeypubbeta= # alternative method
gppkeypub= # alternative method
boxkey= # boxkey from this card
emm=0 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath=/var/keys/port.list # path from port.list
controlsid=0:0 # X:Y X=max sids allowed at same time, Y=seconds needed to allow new sid

#Nagra tiger/ncmed Example
[CCCCCCCC] # nagra camid (4 bytes)
emm=2 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath= # path from port.list
controlsid=0:0 # X:Y X=max sids allowed at same time, Y=seconds needed to allow new sid

#Seca Example
[CCCCCCCC] # seca camid (4 bytes)
ok_view=0 # if ok_view=1 sbox simulates the "ok view this season" on seca smartcards
emm=7 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath= # path from port.list
controlsid=0:0 # X:Y X=max sids allowed at same time, Y=seconds needed to allow new sid

#Viaccess Example
[CCCCCCCC] # via camid (4 bytes)
emm=7 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath= # path from port.list
controlsid=0:0 # X:Y X=max sids allowed at same time, Y=seconds needed to allow new sid

#Irdeto Example
[CCCCCCCC] # irdeto camid (4 bytes)
camkey=0000000000000000 # CamKEY
camkeydata=000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000
emm=7 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath= # path from port.list
controlsid=0:0 # X:Y X=max sids allowed at same time, Y=seconds needed to allow new sid

#NDS Example
[CCCCCCCC] # nds camid (4 bytes)
emm=7 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath= # path from port.list
boxid= # if sbox can’t get boxid from card, add here manually
controlsid=0:0 # X:Y X=max sids allowed at same time, Y=seconds needed to allow new sid

#Conax Example
[CCCCCCCC] # conax camid (4 bytes)
emm=7 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath= # path from port.list
rsa= # rsa ecm used on paired cards
controlsid=0:0 # X:Y X=max sids allowed at same time, Y=seconds needed to allow new sid

No oscam user para dar linhas N Tenho assim

user = user
pwd = pass
group = 1
au = porno
caid = 0500
ident = 0500:043800
cccreshare = 2
keepalive = 1

Onde meto as pass no sbox para dar linhas n??
sera aqui no sbox user?? mas tanta coisa k nao percebo nada

#Example configuration file for sbox cardclient server

#Add newcamd user
#NC=dummy dummy slot0
#NC=dummy dummy slot0 0
#NC=dummy dummy slot0 0 150
#NC=dummy dummy slot0 0 150 ip
# | | | | | | |__________ user ip (optional)
# | | | | | |_____________ user timeout in sec min. 150 max. 1440 (optional)
# | | | | |________________ 0=au disabled for this user 1=au enabled for this user (optional)
# | | | |____________________ server to which this user belongs
# | | |__________________________ password for this user
# | |_______________________________ username
# |____________________________________ newcamd client

#NC=edk edk slot0 1
#NC=edk2 edk2 slot1 0

#Add radegast server
#RS=ip port caid provider
# | | | | |__________________ provider
# | | | |________________________ caid
# | | |______________________________ server port
# | |__________________________________ server ip
# |____________________________________ radegast server

#RS= 16050 1800 000000

#Add newcamd server
#NS=ip port user pass deskey au
# | | | | | | |________ enable send emms, 0=send all 1=dont send emm-s 2=dont send emm-u 4=dont send emm-g
# | | | | | |______________ deskey
# | | | | |____________________ password
# | | | |_________________________ user
# | | |______________________________ server port
# | |__________________________________ server ip
# |____________________________________ newcamd server

#NS= 15050 dummy dummy 0102030405060708091011121314 7

#Add cccam server
#CS=ip port user pass 3
# | | | | | |________________ max hops (min.1 max.6)
# | | | | |____________________ password
# | | | |_________________________ user
# | | |______________________________ server port
# | |__________________________________ server ip
# |____________________________________ cccam server

#CS= 15050 dummy dummy 3

#Add cccam client
#CC=user pass
#CC=user pass 5 0 1
#CC=user pass 5 0 1 { 0:0:1 }
#CC=user pass 5 0 1 { 0:0:1 } userip
# | | | | | | | | | |______ user ip (optional)
# | | | | | | | | |____________ max down hops (optional)
# | | | | | | | |______________ without use (optional)
# | | | | | | |________________ without use (optional)
# | | | | | |____________________ 0=au disabled for this user 1=au enabled for this user (optional)
# | | | | |______________________ without use (optional)
# | | | |________________________ gets all our shares at max 5 hops from us (optional)
# | | |___________________________ password
# | |________________________________ user
# |____________________________________ cccam client

#CC=dummy dummy 3 0 0 { 0:0:1 }

Se alguem m pudesse dar uma dicas agradecia ja ando nisto a 3 dias e bonecos nada a ver se o meu card estabilisa com isto senao ja nao sei o k faser mais
para esta minha imagem alguem me disponibilisa sbox+cccam 213 ultima versao??
sem mais

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