
TDT UK (Reino Unido)

Nao comecaram com MPEG4, nem tentaram que as pessoas fossem para a televisao paga (Sky ou Virgin).
Aqui fica como reflexao (texto recebido na newsletter DVBSCENEeNews).


Spectrum Report Reveals DTT Delivers More Value Than Mobile Broadband

A new report published this month reveals the major economic benefits that DTT services deliver to the UK. The report shows that the country’s most widely used broadcast platform returns nearly £80bn to the economy and challenges the view that mobile broadband delivers more value from airwaves than television.

The findings come at the start of a year when crucial decisions about the future of free-to-air TV will be made by policy makers in the UK and EU. Just over a year after digital switchover freed up capacity for 4G mobile broadband, a further shake-up of the airwaves is being considered to release more spectrum for the mobile market.
Commissioned by Digital UK, the report by media and telecoms consultancy Communications Chambers sets out for the first time the economic and social importance of DTT which delivers broadcast channels and is watched in three-quarters of UK homes.

Headlines from the report include:

  • Evidence of DTT’s vital role in supporting UK broadcasting, driving innovation and investment in programme-making while keeping consumer costs down
  • DTT provides nearly £80bn to the UK – significantly more than previously estimated – and supports 15,000 jobs in broadcasting and independent production
  • New economic analysis showing that DTT delivers more value per unit of spectrum than mobile broadband
  • As the largest free-to-air TV service, DTT creates healthy competition between platforms and ensures viewers can access public service channels without subscription

Digital UK and its members, which include DVB Members – BBC and Arqiva, are urging the UK government to ensure any further transfers of airwaves do not weaken DTT services, and that viewers should not suffer disruption or foot the bill for making the changes.

Jonathan Thompson, Chief Executive of Digital UK, said: ‘This report sheds new light on the value of DTT for viewers, the UK television sector and wider economy. With increasing demand for spectrum it is critical that DTT remains a strong proposition with the same coverage and range of channels viewers enjoy today.’

The report "The value of Digital Terrestrial Television in an era of increasing demand for spectrum" can be downloaded from Digital UK.

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